Transportation Service
Transportation service
Liceo Inglés has a department specialized in transport services. The coordinator of transportation is Johan Alexis Grajales Valencia.
How to take the Liceo Inglés transport service?
The transportation service is registered at the time of enrollment through a complementary services contract, where you must choose the area or sector to which you belong. .
What places does the transportation service cover, and how do I know what area I belong to?
The transportation service tries to cover the metropolitan area and reach all the addresses of the FLI community, however, due to difficulties in access, traffic, excessive travel times and number of students, some limitations may be found. The zones regarding the transport service are classified as follows:
ZONE 1: Boulevards, San Jose de las Villas, Quintas de Sevilla, El Cairo, Quintas de Pindana and surrounding complexes or addresses within zoning #1.
ZONE 2: Olympic Village (Belmonte, Free University, Expofuturo, Hernán Ramírez Stadium, Unicentro, San Joaquín. Surrounding complexes or neighborhoods within zoning #2.
ZONE 3: Consota – El Jardín – Batallón (Avenida Sur, Panorama, Dorado, Parque del Café, Batallón, Jardín, Maraya, Inem) - San Nicolás - Poblado – Canaán, Alamos, Pinares (Los arrayanes, Poblado, Villa del Prado, Samaria, Villa Verde, Boston, Providencia, Lorena, Olaya Herrera) - Complexes or Neighborhoods within zoning #3 Downtown (does not include Carreras 7 and 8 due to vehicular traffic)
ZONE 4: Cerritos (Quimbayita, Galicia Alta, entrances 1, 2 and 3) Complexes or condominiums within zoning #4
ZONE 5: Cerritos Vía Cartago and Vía Cerritos-La Virginia, Cerritos entrances 7 and 8. Complexes or condominiums within zoning # 5.
ZONE 6: Condina Campestre, forests of Condina, Vía Condina and Vía Armenia within zoning # 6.
ZONE 7: Dosquebradas low or center, groups or neighborhoods within the zoning on #7.
ZONE 8: Dosquebradas Alta (Periphery, Galatea, Pradera Alta, Via el Pollo Condominiums, Bosques de la Acuarela). Groups or neighborhoods within zoning #8.
ZONE 9: Urban area of Cartago, according to zoning #9.
ZONA 10: Club campestre
ZONA 11:
Some sectors such as Combia or Santa Rosa cannot be covered by the transport company due to low demand in terms of number of students.
If you do not find your group or sector within the previous zones, you validate it on the map.
What are the rates of the transport contract?

Can I pay half the route?
Half-route refers to taking the service only in the morning or only in the afternoon, however the Royal Express company does not allow half-route transport contracts because this would affect the management of quotas in the vehicle and its balance points.
How is the student’s seat guaranteed in the transport service?
In order to guarantee a place in the transport service, said service must be requested before the start of the school year, exactly during the enrollment sessions, since this allows the demand and need for specific vehicles to be projected, with the Liceo Inglés Foundation committing itself to providing the service, as long as it is within the established zones.
Can I take transportation service in any month?
If for some reason, the attendees did not take the service in the registration days before the start of the school year, they can do so in the following months, as long as there are available seats to the sector or address that transportation is required. If there are no seats available, the student will remain on a waiting list.
If I change my residence or place of domicile, can I continue with the transportation service?
Changes of address must be notified at least 15 days in advance, so that the transportation coordinator can validate the available seats and schedule the necessary logistics on the routes. If no seats are found or available, the transportation coordinator will contact the parents to offer possible pick-up locations. It must be taken into account that if the new address belongs to another zone or sector, the rate will change automatically according to the zoning.
Can I cancel the transportation service at any time?
According to the clauses of the transport contract with the transport company of the service, this can be canceled in any month except for the month of June, as long as it is notified 15 days before the month that you want to cancel.
Is the transport service carried out door to door?
The Royal Express company does not allow door-to-door service, however depending on access, time, and conditions some exceptions can be made. This must be validated directly with the transportation coordinator.
How long do the tours last approximately?
The Liceo Ingles Foundation requires from the transport company that the routes do not last more than one hour. However, in distant sectors or areas such as Dosquebradas and Cartago, service can last up to one hour and forty minutes.
Requirements for opening a route?
For the opening of a route, there must be at least 12 students, in order to reach a point of balance that makes it sustainable.
How much is the maximum passenger capacity per vehicle?
The maximum capacity of students per route is stipulated according to 100% occupancy according to the vehicle's operation card, it should be clarified that every school route must have a route assistant, that is, if a vehicle has a capacity of 19 passengers, it would be able to transport up to 18 students.
Do the contracted vehicles meet the established safety parameters, do they have the documentation up to date?
All the vehicles that provide the transportation service for the Liceo Inglés Foundation are previously inspected by the transportation coordination area, in turn, all documentation is verified regarding contractual, non-contractual, techno-mechanical, SOAT, licenses, resumes, records and other documents necessary for the provision of the service.
How is vehicle maintenance controlled?
All vehicles that provide transportation services for the Liceo Inglés Foundation must carry out bi-monthly preventive inspections at a specialized diagnostic center. If type A or type B issues are found, they must be corrected immediately or the vehicle will not be allowed to operate. From the transport coordination area, it is verified monthly that all vehicles are complying with the updating of documents and preventive inspections.
Can a route be closed and we be left without transportation service?
The Liceo Inglés Foundation tries not to close routes, offering alternatives such as joining or modifying routes, taking into account that this can alter the routes or logistics already implemented. However it is clarified that in case of not finding modification alternatives, joining routes or changes of route the route can be closed. Certainly all these changes are previously notified from the transport coordination area.
What functions or duties do the driver and route assistant have?
a. Be aware of making the corresponding stops at the assigned stops according to the route map.
b. Perform student entry control, through the lists delivered by the transportation coordination.
c. Comply with the pick-up and departure times of the buses according to the schedule.
d. Communicate with the Transportation Coordinator by cell phone or, failing that, with those in charge of the other routes, when detecting security problems or any situation with students and/or employees that requires immediate provisions.
e. Maintain a cordial and respectful relationship with the parents or adults who accompany the students or employees, at the bus stop in the morning and/or who receive them in the afternoon.
f. Ensure the safety of the students and employees assigned on their route, understanding safety as physical integrity, and ensure that students and employees arrive at the established stops and are delivered to their parents or guardians.
g. Ensure that no preschool or elementary student gets off the bus if there is not a responsible adult to meet them. (In such a case, the student will remain on the bus and the bus will continue on its route until the parent is contacted).
h. Know, follow, and enforce the school transport regulations of the Liceo Inglés Foundation, contained in the School Handbook and especially the procedures related to the attention to users of school transport and documents that are an integral part of the contract.
To see the School Handbook, click on the following link, article 78 refers to the school transport regulations:
i. Do not exceed the speed limit allowed by law for school transportation services.
j. Be people of proven expertise in the trade, proven education, good interpersonal relationships and good personal presentation.
Is there transportation for extracurricular activities?
The Liceo Inglés Foundation has a transportation service for students who stay practicing their extracurricular activities until 5:00 pm. However, it should be clarified that said service is provided at specific locations, which are listed in the following link.
Do extracurricular routes have any cost?
Extracurricular routes have a cost, which is assigned according to the number of days the route is taken.